My wonderfully thoughtful father gave me, my mom, and My sister in law tickets to Wicked! My older brother, Jake came along too. We went to dinner at Market Street Grill right before. It was sooo good and I am pretty sure I made the waiter feel super uncomfortable by accidentally saying pap smear right when he was taking my plate away. Don't even ask why I said it or what we were talking about because it will never be funny to you. Anyway, Wicked was incredible! I absolutely loved it and I realize why there are so many Wicked nuts running around in this world. I never understood the addiction till now.
Then on Saturday night, there was some serious happenings. Internet, say hello to a little thing called...Macfarlane Family Egg Wars. Probably one of my favorite family traditions because of the competitiveness, uniqueness, and the people involved in the game. Here is a quick rundown of what goes down in an egg war:
1. Eggs are dyed and named appropriately (or sometimes inappropriately...mike...ha ha). Mine were Raphael and The One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater.
3. Its time to Smack Talk. Talk your egg up and everyone else's eggs down till you are afraid your going to eat your words...then take it another step farther. **NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO HAVE HURT FEELINGS OVER SMACK TALK. ITS ALL IN THE FUN OF THE GAME, NONE OF IT IS PERSONAL**
4. The egg wars begin! Rock, paper scissors decided who would get to choose whether they want to "Strike or Be Stricken." Striking continues till one of the competitors eggs has cracked on both ends. This egg is then eliminated, and the winner moves up.
5. A winner is announced! This year, something very unfortunate happened. My sister in law's family got wind of the egg wars, and wanted to participate. After much deliberation and strong feelings about Macfarlane Tradition expressed, we let a few of the Prince kin participate. Some of you may not understand how big of a deal this is...its like telling a black person they aren't African American because they were born in the US. Its that big. Anyway...... a Prince won the egg war. Luckily, we planned ahead for such a mishap. If a Prince won, they were to be sent through a Macfarlane spanking machine.
In case you are new to the spanking machine, people line up and spread their legs apart as seen above. Then, the spank-ee crawls through the legs and the spankers paddle their butt as hard and fast as they can. Best idea ever.
Here are some of the eggs that were disqualified, and some really cool eggs I made!
Sweet idea, Jake...but I'm afraid there is a strict "No Stingers Allowed" policy. Ain't nobody gonna be stricken by or strike that thing!
Wax drippings for reinforcement are also in violation. Sorry kids!
Anyway, it is a ton of you can see. If you want in, I'm afraid the only way is to marry a sacrifice there.
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