Monday, March 30, 2009

Hey There Internet

Okay, okay, OKAAAAYY. I jumped on the bandwagon, like I always do-except when it comes to drugs and alcohol (I graduted from the D.A.R.E. program), and got myself a blog. What about it? Wondering about the giant eye? Its just because I wanted to post a picture, but I didn't know what to put up so... if you get bored with this post, I invite you to become entranced by my eyeball like so many more before you have. Why a blog, Angie? One might ask...Well, I don't have the answer to that myself. Maybe because I want people to discover how truly strange and entertaining I can be. Maybe its because I don't feel connected enough with everyone else out there on the web. Maybe its because I have things I want to say, but no one to say them to. It very well could be all of the above. Your just going to have to keep on reading to find out. Like that cliff hanger? Yeeeaah ya do.


  1. Way to jump on the bandwagon Angie! Blogging gets addicting, just so you know. I'm excited to read your future blogs :)

  2. I'm already in suspense of what you're next blog will be about! way to leave me hanging on the cliff!

  3. Jamie! I'm suprised to see you here! well, I guess we can't really call it "seeing" each other, but its good to hear from you! I'm glad someone besides my roommates is going to read this, which I didn't expect at all. alll in all, your a pleasent suprise! :)

    Lyns, don't even worry about it. I'm going to grab a climbing rope and some carribeaners (spelling?) and rescue you from thta cliff hanger shorty!
